Currently we are beginning filming on pilot episodes of a Reality Show based on Gold Mining in North Carolina. Christopher Atkins, star of Blue Lagoon and numerous other projects, currently on VH-1’s “Confessions of a Teen Idol” will be one of the cast member. Surrounding him are a cast of characters from the south that will be sure to make you laugh or question evolution.

“Man with a Child in His Eyes” Artist dramatic short shot on RED by Red Filmwerks, Inc. Written by Christopher Atkins and hopefully he will be starring in the short as well.

“War of the Land” Written by Olivier Gruner. French Action Actor starring in numerous projects on screen and Sci-Fi Channel. This is a post Apocalyptic Western that happens in the future, 2568 AD to be specific. Its first segment will be shot in the bitter cold of Colorado beginning in March.
Olivier is currently starring in “Tales of an Ancient Empire”, in production now, and the production will travel next to the Caribbean to finish filming. Red Filmwerks will be doing “B” roll shots on RED Code cameras and Jeff Jay will be stunt coordinating the action scenes.
war of land pic

Werks Aerosapce Werks Aerospace. LLC


We at Werks Aerospace, LLC are capable of providing the government with exceptional service based on our extensive network of talented employees across the region. Our commitment to quality service helps to reduce downtime on all Aerospace Ground Equipment and allocate manpower to other areas both on and off the flight line. All work is performed in accordance with the 35-1-3 CH 2 of the AFTO. Based on the frequency requirement as dictated by corrosion severity zone, a comprehensive program can be put together to:

· Reduce the impact of corrosion
· Streamline the inspection process
· Maintain government requirements for equipment

Corrosion preventative compound applications can also be included with the SOW if applicable to the area. All of our services are performed on station by local employees. This assures that the quality of work meets or exceeds the government’s expectations, approved QPL products are being used on equipment, and equipment is returned to service in a timelier manner. Our expertise doesn’t end with AGE equipment. We are capable of putting together a program for vehicles and heavy equipment as well. Please contact us with any questions regarding the services available for your area.

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